
This is a fine original oil on canvas painting by Dutch American artist Maurits Frederik De Haas.  This view most likely off the New England Coast is signed lower left M.F. H. deHaas and measures 14 1/4X23 inches.  Very nice condition, housed in a period gilt frame.  "He became an associate of the National Academy in 1863 and an academician in 1867, and exhibited annually in the academy, and in 1866 he was one of the founders of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors.[3] He died in New York City"


This is an original oil on canvas painting laid to a board,  by French Marine artist Barthelemy Lauvergne.  The title is Vue de Toulon, dated 1849, this painting measures 17 11/2X25 1/2 inches, signed and dated  bottom right.  Some light crackiing to the painting but everything is stable, the canvas has been backed upon a board no evidence of inpainting.  Toulon is a city on the French Riviera and a large port on the Mediterranean coast.  Located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, and the Provence province.  This painting was given as a gift to William E Umstattd  president of The Timken Steel & Tube Company, from S.A. Francaise Timken in 1949.  

Barthelemy Lauvergne was a naval draughtsman and marine painter, born in Toulon, France, 1805.

From 1826 to 1829 he served in the Astrolabe as secretary to Dumont d’Urville, visiting– five points on the Australian coast. The commander had instructed 'young Lauvergne, my secretary, to take views of all the coasts and islands which we saw during the voyage his  Australian coastal profiles are included in the collection now in the Archives Nationales.

Like Louis le Breton and Charles Meryon , Lauvergne sought to turn his artistic skills and distant experiences to further advantage, exhibiting in the Paris Salon from 1838, when he showed Frigate Running before the Wind, Sea Study (Cape Horn) , until at least 1849. He was awarded a third-class medal at the 1839 Salon and became a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 1841. From 1841 to 1854 Lauvergne was in Paris, working in the Naval Ministry and in the Department of Maps and Charts where his colleagues would have included le Breton. He returned to Toulon in 1854 and died there in 1871.


This is a fine oil on canvas painting by White Mountain artist Benjamin Champney. Artist Brook North Conway, This painting is signed and dated lower left corner, 1893,it  measures 24X16 inches.  It is housed in a period fluted cove walnut frame.  Very fine original condition, no tears or in painting.  "Benjamin Champney is synonymous with White Mountain paintings of the 19th century. Most art historians consider him the founder of the White Mountain School of painters who came to North Conway and the surrounding area during the second half of the 19th century." 


This is an early still Life of Flowers,  oil on chamfered panel by American artist Abbott Fuller Graves.  Created circa 1900 this painting is signed lower left corner and has an image size of 8  5/8 X 6 5/8 inches.  Good condition with a few minor cracks in the panel, unobtrusive.  This painting is housed in a period gilt frame.  Graves worked with both Edmund Tarbell and Childe Hassam who he met while studying in Paris at the Academie  Julian. The former owner purchased this painting at Christies Auction House, N.Y. at their American Painting sale of March 1992.


Oil on canvas, sight size 9 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches, c. 1900, signed l.r., inscription on the back reads "Near Aber, North Wales". This is a beautiful landscape with a shepherd and his sheep set against a majestic mountain background, in an ornate period frame. John Fullwood exhibited at the 1877 Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Show. The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, established in 1821, was highly influential during the Pre-Raphaelite and Arts and Crafts periods. Its members included some of the most significant figures in English art, and presidents during the period included artists of the stature of Edward Burne-Jones, William Morris, John Everett Millais, Frank Brangwyn, and Lord Leighton.


This is an original oil on canvas painting by American Harrison Bird Brown (1831-1915)  This view of Seaside Cliffs and the moody sea has an image size of 14X24 inches, signed lower right H.B. Brown.  This painting is housed in a period gold fluted cove frame.  The overall frame measures 25X34 inches.  Very fine original condtion.


Oil on panel, 11 x 16 inches, cradle backing, signed lower right, in an ornate period gilt frame. A very well regarded artist of the French Realism movement, Emile Lambinet was born in Versailles and studied with Horace Vernet and John Baptiste Camille Corot. Both of these artists greatly influenced Lambinet's mature style of painting, as can be seen in this image, with the exacting details and bright atmosphere of Vernet and the subtle color palette with just a few accents of saturated color of Corot. Lambinet showed his work regularly at the Paris Salon, winning medals in 1843, 1853 and 1857, and in 1867 was made a Chevalier of the Legion de'Honnuer. Today Lambinet's paintings can be found in many museums worldwide, with the largest collection of his work at the Musee Lambinet in the artist's hometown of Versailles. (Price reduced)


This is an original oil on canvas by Dutch artist Arnold Marc Gorter (1866-1933)  This landscape view with a Man in a row boat is signed lower left.  The painting itself measures 15X20 inches.  Very nice condition, recently cleaned and varnished.  Very minor craquelure in the paint, unobtrusive. Everything is quite stable and very presentable. This painting came to us in a hand carved Gold Frame.  Gorter is best known for landscapes and won a gold medal at the Paris salon in 1910.


This is a fine original oil on canvas by American artist Arthur Hoeber, circa 1890.  This view of a little girl picking flowers in the landscape is signed lower left corner, Arthur Hoeber.  The painting measures 20X16 housed in what appears to be the original 19th century frame.although Hoeber lived in Nutley New Jersey he did spend much time painting within the tidal wetlands of Hyannisport.  As a young man, Hoeber did much sketching and painting in watercolor, and later took evening classes at Cooper Union in New York City and then the Art Students League.  One of his first teachers was  James Carroll Beckwith. 


This is a fine original oil on canvas painting by French impressionist artist Adolphe J.T. Monticelli (1824-1886)  The subject is A fine family setting at the Beach.  The painting is signed Monticelli lower right, the painting measures 12 1/4X10 1/4 inches.  This work is in fine condition, cleaned and lined in the past, it is very presentable, it is house in an ebonized black frame.  "Monticelli was born in Marseille in humble circumstances. He attended the École Municipale de Dessin in Marseille from 1842 to 1846, and continued his artistic training in Paris, where he studied under Paul Delaroche at the École des Beaux-Arts. In Paris In 1855 he met Narcisse Diaz, a member of the Barbizon school, and the two often painted together in the Fontainebleau Forest. Monticelli frequently adopted Diaz's practice of introducing nudes or elegantly costumed figures into his landscapes."


Oil on board, 11 x 9 1/2 inches, signed lower left, period frame


This is an original oil on board painting by Canadian artist Albert Edward Cloutier ((1902-1965) Signed lower center, this painting has an image area of
29X35 inches. It came to us in what appears to be the original frame with the Walter Klinkhoff Gallery,Montreal, label on the back. The title of this work is:
"Winter Lac Ouimet, Mont Tremblant", it is a view of the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec. Albert Cloutier was a painter, commercial artist and muralist who grew up in Montreal. He also lived in Ottawa and during his time as a war artist was posted in several locations in eastern Canada. He was a member of the R.C.A. and also the CSGA. He moved to Saint-Hilaire, Quebec in 1959 where he lived the rest of his life. His mediums were primarily oils and graphics. His subjects were landscapes, commercial art and (during the war)the military. His style was expressionist and greatly influenced by the Group of Seven.
He studied art under A.Y.Jackson and Edwin Holgate. And from 1955 until 1965 he taught at the École des Beaux-Arts in Montreal.


This is a fine oil on canvas painting by Lyme Connecticut artist Henry Pember Smith.  This Summer scene at the pond is signed lower right,  Henry P. Smith, The canvas measures 14X18 inches,  This painting is in very fine condition.  Best known for his Cottage scenes in and around Connecticut.  Nicely framed in a later gold frame.


This is a very fine painting of a man and his dog fishing. Oil on canvas, 18 x 26 inches, c. 1880, signed in the lower left corner,by Francois Vuagnat. Francois Vuagnat was born in Geneva in 1826. and died in 1910. He was a well known Artist and Photographer. Housed in a 19th century frame with gold liner. A fine scene with the man's trusty companion awaiting dinner.


This is an original oil on canvasboard painting by American artist Charles Paul Gruppe (1860-1940)  This painting is signed lower right Char P. Gruppe.  On the back is an old label with the title: In a Dutch Canal, Delft.  This painting from circa 1900 has a canvas size of 8X11 1/2 inches.  Housed in a reproduction 19th century gilt picture frame.
